To unlock all the premium content and features in the app requires a subscription. Currently, we have monthly, annual and lifetime subscription plans. You can choose the plan that suits you the best. We also offer free-trial levels, so you can try them before you decide whether you want to subscribe.
So you may wonder why subscription? As our app continuously improves and evolves, we need to maintain and pay our amazing team at Chineasy. The subscription price also reflects the significant investments we've made for incorporating users’ feedback, regular updates, new technologies, sustaining the app development and a better learning experience for all our users.
Some users suggest using in-app advertising as a way to fund our development cost. However, we put learners at the center of the app design, and we strongly believe in-app advertising will hinder your learning experience as well as negatively influence learning outcomes. So we want to continue to provide an ad-free learning experience. Plus, we don’t sell your data, so your subscription is what keeps Chineasy innovating!
The subscription allows you to use the app on multiple mobile devices, both iOS or Android. Also, we encourage you to sign up for a Chineasy app user account. That way your learning progress is synced across all your devices when signing to the app. And you never need to worry if you delete the apps or move to a newer device. Please kindly note each subscription is for one Chineasy user app account only. In other words, you can’t share your purchase with other users who might have different learning needs from you.
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